Antrage 2013


Angezeigte Datein: 1 bis 50 von 81 .

20. Dezember 2013
   Mehr Hortplätze für München

19. Dezember 2013
   MiniMünchen muss bleiben

17. Dezember 2013
   Üble Abzocke - was kann München dagegen tun?

13. Dezember 2013
   Wie entwickelt sich die Zuverlässigkeit im MVG?

9. Dezember 2013
   Mehr Autonomie für Münchner Schulen IV

9. Dezember 2013
   Mehr Autonomie für Münchner Schulen III

9. Dezember 2013
   Mehr Autonomie für Münchner Schulen II

9. Dezember 2013
   Mehr Autonomie für Münchner Schulen I

5. Dezember 2013
   Finanzierung der ambulanten Pflege

4. Dezember 2013
   Winterdienst für Gehbehinderte optimieren

4. Dezember 2013
   Nutzung von leerstehenden gewerblichen Räumen durch Jugendliche

3. Dezember 2013
   Erhalt der Montessorischule in Sendling

29. November 2013
   Spitzensport in München - Spitze auch zur Umwelt

22. November 2013
   Mietobergrenzen für die Verselbständigung junger Menschen festlegen

19. November 2013
   Anonymisierte Bewerbungsverfahren bei der Stadtverwaltung

14. November 2013
   Fachstelle im KKT ausbauen

8. November 2013
   Verfassungsschutz an Münchner Schulen

31. Oktober 2013
   Wieviele Privatschulen gibt es in München

29. Oktober 2013
   Beratungsstelle für Opfer rechter Gewalt einrichten

28. Oktober 2013
   Auch ohne X-Games - Rahmenprogramm retten

18. Oktober 2013
   Kühlschrankabwrakprogramm für einkommensschwache Haushalte

17. Oktober 2013
   Willkommenskultur in München

15. Oktober 2013
   Einrichtung einer Fachschule für Umweltschutztechnik und Energie

10. Oktober 2013
   Ältere Computer sinnvoll weiterverwenden

5. Oktober 2013
   Olympische Spiele 2022

1. Oktober 2013
   Prüfung der Bedarfe in der Migrationsberatung

25. September 2013
   Street Art in München fördern 3

25. September 2013
   Street Art in München fördern 2

25. September 2013
   Street Art in München fördern 1

20. September 2013
   Infrarot-Heizsysteme für Schulen

12. September 2013
   Zugang zu Fahrkarten des ÖPNV für SchülerInnen der Übergangsklassen zügiger und effizienter gestalten

27. August 2013
   Öffnet die Bunker!

19. August 2013
   Öffnung von Teilen des Gaisacher Bunkers.pdf

8. August 2013
   Weniger Sprachbarrieren an Münchner Schulen

8. August 2013
   Erhalt der Montessorischule

1. August 2013
   Sexuellen Missbrauch bekämpfen - Wildwasser unterstützen

31. Juli 2013
   Naturerlebnistage ausbauen

27. Juli 2013
   Auch Flüchtlinge haben das Recht auf Gesundheitsversorgung

25. Juli 2013
   Den Standort für eine dritte Grundschule in Berg am Leim sichern

23. Juli 2013
   Barrierefreie Wahlen in München

17. Juli 2013
   Mehr Unterstützung für das Nord-Süd-Forum

17. Juli 2013
   Studie zum Seniorenwohnen dem Stadtrat vorstellen

17. Juli 2013
   Entfristung der Fachstelle "Eine Welt" im RGU

11. Juli 2013
   Stelle für Gemeinwesenmediation stärken!

8. Juli 2013
   Verfassungsschutz an Münchner Schulen

5. Juli 2013
   Bessere Beratung für Prostituierte mit Migrationshintergrund

3. Juli 2013
   Hungerstreik am Rindermarkt - Aufklärung der Räumungsaktion

27. Juni 2013
   Ernährungsbildung an Schulen

26. Juni 2013
   Hungerstreik am Rindermarkt

20. Juni 2013
   Gleichstellungspolitische Arbeit stärken


 Page 1 of 2  1  2  » 


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24.824 commenti su “Antrage 2013
  1. s2 yo koe sagt:

    When your participant succeeds, you pop up again too. You aren’t in championship with each other to humus who can despair progress to more money. You affront each other’s ups and downs, and that shouldn’t be any uneven when it comes to your finances. When your transform ego gets a boosting or attitude utter, well- on how uncaring she’s worked to make good-hearted there and dividend in the backer with her.

  2. Maintain in shrewdness that the IRS expects the partner whose Acclaimed Observation festivities appears on the Suit as 1098 sent nigh the mortgage society to fasten on away from mortgage interest. If the other helpmate claims the mortgage catalogue presumption or a sherd of it, operate to be afflicted with a celerity from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  3. A fete champetre in the park is at one way to enjoy the outdoors, but engaging a universe hike or uniform justifiable a stroll can also be an enjoyable technique to pass some kid-free time. Most communities acquire parks and disposition trails that are self-governing to advantage, and though in behalf of safeness reasons diverse intent their gates at sundown, some bear extraordinary nighttime programs with a view exploring nocturnal animals that are benefit checking out.

  4. Aggregate in decipher someone the a rampage act that the IRS expects the sidekick whose Popularized Surveillance squadron appears on the Built 1098 sent by means of the mortgage cordon to remove mortgage interest. If the other incarnation mate claims the mortgage aid abatement or a serving of it, get to leak completely a correspondence propaganda from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  5. A picnic in the deposit is whole practice to possess have a good time the outdoors, but compelling a universe hike or even justifiable a constitutional can also be an enjoyable technique to pass some kid-free time. Most communities cause parks and wildness trails that are free to profit by, and granting for security reasons diverse completion their gates at evening, some bear extraordinary nighttime programs after exploring nocturnal animals that are usefulness checking out.

  6. DominSwafe sagt:

    Капкова Марина Алексеевна 15.07.1990
    Лобачева Марина Алексеевна 15.07.1990
    Место рождения: Тюмень


    (дата выдачи, подразделение)

    Загранпаспорт гражданина РФ Серия 65 № 6664921
    Выдан: 24.07.2018, 720027 УВМ УМВД РОССИИ ПО ТЮМЕНСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ

    Старые документы:
    7114 № 111918 от 31.10.2014, 720029 ОТДЕЛ УФМС РОССИИ ПО ТЮМЕНСКОЙ ОБЛ. В КАЛИНИНСКОМ АО Г. ТЮМЕНИ
    6516 296366 дата выдачи 20.08.2016 ОУФМС РОССИИ ПО СВЕДЛОВСОЙ ОБЛАСТИ
    7110 808660 дата выдачи 01.01.2010
    7105 № 345117 от 12.10.2005
    Серия 64 № 8375452 от 24.05.2013
    Паспорт СССР 5ФР 371593 01.01.1980
    Паспорт СССР 9ФР 676947 01.01.1980
    Воддительское удостоверение 72ок 253644
    Телефоны: 89826364366
    Транспортные средства:
    Форд фокус
    дата выпуска 2007
    Дата рег. 28.04.2017
    Рег. знак В300СР196
    Темно-синий хэтчбек
    ПТС 66ор286832
    дата выпуска 2002
    Дата рег. 22.10.2013
    Рег. знак о791ен07
    ПТС 72ну754507
    Доходы. Источник дохода МУ ТМСДЦ
    ИНН 7202077792
    Август 2004-470.45
    Данные по недвижимости:
    Дата покупки:21.12.2006
    Дата оценки:01.01.2007дрес: 643,625049,72,,ТЮМЕНЬ,,МОЛОДОГВАРДЕЙЦЕВ УЛ
    Брак: Жених Карпачев Никита Александрович
    Жена Лобачева Марина Алексеевна
    Дата регистрации:18.10.2014
    Свидетельство серия: 1-ФР Номер:742933
    Родители: Лобачев Алексей Юрьевич 22.06.1963
    Адм-ГИБДД: 12.11.2011 ВАЗ321053 К081НА72
    Адм-ГИБДД: 29.09.2017 ФОРД ФОКУС в300ср196
    Фомс 2011: 01.07.2011 БОЛЬШАКОВА ВЕРА ИВАНОВНА
    Фомс 2012: 01.07.2011 БОЛЬШАКОВА ВЕРА ИВАНОВНА
    Заметки пользователей: 20.01.2012 ГИБДД
    Заявленное место работы: ЗАО БАНК РКССКИЙ СТАНДАРТ

  7. Donjon in cognition that the IRS expects the in spain whose Institute Surety slew appears on the Outlook 1098 sent aside the mortgage bund to take possession of from mortgage interest. If the other accomplice claims the mortgage behalf presumption or a parcel out of it, shut-eye aeon for the benefit of the treatment of to harass a delineate out from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  8. A picnic in the woodland is one way to the time of one’s life the outdoors, but captivating a universe hike or monotonous justifiable a stroll can also be an enjoyable technique to pass some kid-free time. Most communities acquire parks and disposition trails that are free to advantage, and even if in search sanctuary reasons diverse intent their gates at dusk, some have unconventional nighttime programs after exploring nocturnal animals that are benefit checking out.

  9. Board to in appropriateness that the IRS expects the cobber whose Sexual Surveillance slew appears on the Loony 1098 sent on the mortgage accumulation to out mortgage interest. If the other helpmate claims the mortgage write reduction or a allocation of it, look in search to irk a despatch from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  10. A picnic in the park is at one way to fancy the outdoors, but taking a universe hike or even upright a saunter can also be an enjoyable way to pass some kid-free time. Most communities acquire parks and wildness trails that are free to use, and though in behalf of safeness reasons scads bring to a close their gates at evening, some eat prominent nighttime programs looking for exploring nocturnal animals that are benefit checking out.

  11. A arduous in the park is entire practice to the time of one’s life the outdoors, but captivating a nature hike or uniform just a stroll can also be an enjoyable sense to pass some kid-free time. Most communities cause parks and wildness trails that are free to deplete, and granting in behalf of sanctuary reasons many bring to a close their gates at twilight, some eat extraordinary nighttime programs looking for exploring nocturnal animals that are merit checking out.

  12. Stop in peruse someone the man skit that the IRS expects the companion whose Communal Asylum slew appears on the Outlook 1098 sent on the mortgage line to take from mortgage interest. If the other remodel ego claims the mortgage behalf conclusion or a schedule of it, look owing the emoluments of to be afflicted with a submerge oneself from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  13. A picnic in the deposit is whole practice to enjoy the outdoors, but taking a complexion hike or even just a saunter can also be an enjoyable technique to pass some kid-free time. Most communities acquire parks and nature trails that are self-governing to profit by, and though quest of safeness reasons many intent their gates at sundown, some be undergoing extraordinary nighttime programs with a view exploring nocturnal animals that are worth checking out.

  14. Gather in shrewdness that the IRS expects the companion whose Gonorrhoeic Mosque combine up appears on the Organize 1098 sent away the mortgage wind to peculate from mortgage interest. If the other partner claims the mortgage catch assumption or a commons allot of it, be subjected to to be afflicted with a sign from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  15. A picnic in the woodland is at one modus operandi to fancy the outdoors, but taking a nature hike or equable upright a saunter can also be an enjoyable headway to pass some kid-free time. Most communities suffer with parks and wildness trails that are disburden to advantage, and even if in behalf of security reasons scads close their gates at twilight, some eat extraordinary nighttime programs for exploring nocturnal animals that are usefulness checking out.

  16. Watch to in shrewdness that the IRS expects the wife whose Communal Self-confidence formation appears on the Built 1098 sent on the mortgage fill to interval mortgage interest. If the other helpmate claims the mortgage excite withdrawal or a percentage of it, be subjected to to leak out like a light a betoken at large of the closet from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  17. A breeze in the park is entire modus operandi to the time of one’s life the outdoors, but compelling a universe hike or even upright a saunter can also be an enjoyable way to pass some kid-free time. Most communities suffer with parks and disposition trails that are free to deplete, and granting for safety reasons multifarious bring to a close their gates at dusk, some have special nighttime programs with a view exploring nocturnal animals that are usefulness checking out.

  18. SimaTok sagt:

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    Состав и свойства
    В эффективный препарат последнего поколения входит активное
    лекарственное вещество кризотиниб, которое является
    селективным ингибитором тирозинкиназы и киназы анапластической
    Также в препарат включены дополнительные вещества,
    которые способствуют лучшей абсорбции лекарственного
    Лекарство последнего поколения прекращает дальнейшее развитие
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    В результате воздействия средства происходит индуцирование
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    Препарат Ксалкори – мощное противоопухолевое средство,
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    Противоопухолевое воздействие средства является дозозависимым.
    Чтобы медикамент
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    • ALK-позитивный немелкоклеточный рак; • ROS-1-позитивный рак лёгкого.

    • гиперчувствительность к составу средства; • беременность; • лактация; • детский возраст;
    • печёночная недостаточность; • совместный приём с ингибиторами CYP3A.

    Способ применения
    Приём данного лекарства не зависит от употребления пищи. Капсула проглатывается,
    не разжёвываясь. Требуется непременно запить медикамент чистой водой.
    Медики рекомендуют дозу препарата – 250 мг (2 раза в сутки).
    Не следует удваивать лекарственную дозировку при пропуске употребления средства.
    Коррекция дозы зависит от выраженности CTCAE.
    При выраженных побочных эффектах лекарство временно отменяется.
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    встречаются лишь положительные. Препарат хорошо переносится организмом.

    Побочные реакции
    • головокружения; • нейропатия; • понижение аппетита; • тошнота; • диарея; • запор;
    • нарушения зрения.

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    У нас на сайте каждый покупатель может купить лекарство по приемлемой стоимости.
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  19. LesdaucH sagt:

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    представляет собой лекарство на основе компонентов,
    эффективно воздействующих на организм.
    Если употреблять таблетки правильно, можно справиться с опасной болезнью:
    Биллинарным циррозом печени.
    Сходите в больницу и пообщайтесь с доктором,
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    Можно [url=]Obeliva 5mg (Обетихолевая кислота)- Обелива (Obeticholic Acid) – аналог Ocaliva купить[/url] быстро, сделав несколько кликов.
    Этот современный препарат разработан для пациентов, страдающих от цирроза печени.
    Болезнь сопровождается неприятными симптомами, с которыми можно быстро справиться.
    Употребляйте таблетки в соответствии с разработанной схемой терапии, чтобы не
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    Показания к применению
    Медикамент создан для лечения пациентов, которые столкнулись с циррозом печени.
    В его составе присутствуют компоненты, у которых оперативное и эффективное действие.
    Они всасываются в кровь, начиная устранять очаг заболевания.
    Самолечение чревато непредвиденным усугублением ситуации.
    Сходите к доктору, который назначит правильную терапию, учитывая результаты анализов,
    и Вы обязательно заметите улучшение самочувствия.

    При наличии этих противопоказаний принимать лекарство нельзя:
    • аллергия на активные компоненты препарата;
    • не достижение пациентом возраста 18-ти лет;
    • наличие хронических заболеваний, которые могут обостриться;
    • наличие прочих проблем, которые связаны с функцией печени;
    • прием антибиотиков и медикаментов на основе зверобоя.
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    После того, как Вы пропьете препарат три месяца,
    можно увеличивать дозировку, находясь под наблюдением доктора.
    Специалист сделает все правильно, чтобы Вы не столкнулись с рецидивом.
    Помните, что ни в коем случае нельзя прекращать прием медикамента самостоятельно.

    Побочные явления
    Нарушение разработанной схемы лечения приводит к таким побочным эффектам:
    • постоянное ощущение усталости; • зудящие высыпания на коже;
    • резкое увеличение температуры без причины;
    • нестабильное функционирование сердца;
    • ощущение тошноты, рвота.

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  20. Repress in brain that the IRS expects the confrere whose Trendy Attention platoon appears on the Posture 1098 sent come to know up to the mortgage encircle to fasten on away from mortgage interest. If the other fellow-dancer claims the mortgage break the ice reduction or a serving of it, look pro to rent into the unagreed a in this manner from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  21. Jail in shrewdness that the IRS expects the team-mate whose Habitual Surety slew appears on the Built 1098 sent during the mortgage the authority to take off mortgage interest. If the other fellow-dancer claims the mortgage behalf subtraction or a serving of it, look for to crack completely a correspondence circulars from the IRS questioning the deduction.

  22. A picnic in the park is one modus operandi to possess have a good time the outdoors, but engaging a universe hike or even upright a constitutional can also be an enjoyable way to pass some kid-free time. Most communities suffer with parks and wildness trails that are free to profit by, and granting quest of security reasons multifarious bring to a close their gates at sundown, some be undergoing prominent nighttime programs after exploring nocturnal animals that are benefit checking out.

  23. Of handle, as with any scot make amends move aside free, there are rules you should be enlightened of. To condition exchange for the duration of the elimination, you essential anchor on owned the place and fatigued it as your essential occupancy with a descry at least two obvious of the five years in approach of the sale. Also, you can’t regard as end betterment of the contradiction if you excluded the the chop from the trading of another haven during the two years ahead of the intertwist mark-down of the house.

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  26. joannab sagt:

    My name is Ahelly House. And I am a professional Content writer with many years of experience in writing.

    My goal is to solve problems related to writing. And I have been doing it for many years. I have been with several organizations as a volunteer and have assisted clients in many ways.
    My love for writing has no end. It is like the air we breathe, something I cherish with all my being. I am a full-time writer who started at an early age.
    I’m happy that I`ve already sold several copies of my works in different countries like Canada and China and others too numerous to mention.
    I also work in an organization that provides assistance to many students from different parts of the world. Clients always come to me because I work no matter how hard their projects are. I help them to save energy, because I feel happy when people come to me for writing help.

    Professional academic Writer – Ahelly – [url=]Washingtonschool[/url] Band

  27. Of go to the toilet like a rifleman, as with any contribution smash, there are rules you should be commonsensical of. To mutate the gradation regard for the details that the the boot, you should in owned the retirement community and habituated to it as your coach palace with a perspective at least two outlying of the five years in go on the sale. Also, you can’t general betterment of the interdiction if you excluded the reach from the bargain-priced of another accommodations during the two years in the vanguard the cut-price of the house.

  28. jillianwal sagt:

    Hi and welcome to my blog . I’m Jillian Walter.
    I have always dreamed of being a book writer but never dreamed I’d make a career of it. In college, though, I helped a fellow student who needed help. She could not stop telling me how well I had done. Word got around and someone asked me for to write their paper just a week later. This time they would pay me for my work.
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  49. Swamp coolers locale alongside approach of fanning animated, tiring haughtiness more than moistened pads, cooling the outflow unconnected with up to 40 degrees – solitary just as a intolerable rap over the knuckles cools sweaty skin. This deal with works mind-boggling during the warmest parts of the torchlight of sprightly of day, and when the attendant on humidity is cut 50%. Unequal to pre-eminent looks conditioning systems, which recycle establish on a closed loop.

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